DIY Snow Globes

I've been wanting to make these cute little snow globes for a while.   Every time I have an empty glass jar I add it to my growing collection in hopes that one day I'll actually use them for something.  I mean, those tiny baby food jars are just too dang cute to throw out!  Well I finally put them to good use and I'm obsessed with how they turned out.  This is such a quick and easy project, perfect for the craziness that December brings.  (Am I the only one who still has all their Christmas shopping to do?!)  Stay tuned, these cuties just might make an appearance at our holiday pop up party. ;)

Alright, let's get started!  First you'll need to gather a few supplies:

Glass jars of varying sizes
Buffalo Snow Flakes
Miniature brush trees
Miniature figurines (optional)
Hot glue gun
Spray paint

Start with spray painting your lids.  Some lids are already silver or gold, in that case no need to worry about this step.  Mine were all different colors, so I opted to paint them silver.  Make sure to let the lids dry completely before moving on to the next step.  I didn't, and then had to do a little touch up. 

snow globes lid.jpg

While you wait for those to dry, you can decide what trees and miniatures will work best in each of your jars.  I like to get an idea of whats going where before I start gluing things into place.  When your lids are dry, go ahead and hot glue the trees and figurines onto the inside of the lid.

Once you've finished glueing and everything is in place it's time for snow!  You can use a paint brush, popsicle stick, or whatever you can find laying around the house to "paint" the Snow-Tex around the base of the trees and covering the lid.  Have fun with this! There's no right or wrong way to do it.  Let this dry completely before moving on.  Snack break :)

We're almost done! Now all you need to do is put some snowflakes into your jars.  You don't need a lot.  If you put too much your trees will disappear, so start with a little and go from there.  Once you've done that you can screw the lid on and ta-da, you're own little snow globe!

holding snow globe.jpg
finished snow globe.jpg

PS This is such a fun project to get the kids involved with! My little Mae loved helping me and of course she was thrilled with her new "snowflake" aka snow globe. :)